Hassler Ministries
Thursday, February 13, 2025
To God be the Glory!

Resources (New Book)



Reports of Revival and Evangelism from Africa (c)2021

Go around the world on every continent, read:

GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Following God (c)2010

Hassler Evangelistic Ministries,
P. O. Box 1791, Gladewater, TX 75647

Hassler GO! book

back of GO! book


GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival

Just released new book by Leroy Hassler!

GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival introduces a reader to what some would call intense evangelism. It is intense in that it involves a participant in preaching at least two, three, or even more times each day over a two-week period. It is evangelistic in that it is packed with preaching and church-planting crusades that span over seven continents.  Driven by a word from the Lord to reach two million souls for Christ, Evangelist Leroy Hassler recounts many of his crusades around the globe that have resulted in nearly 1.5 million decisions for Christ. God is honoring this man's obedience to GO! into the world and preach the Gospel. Many accounts of these crusades can be read from his website, www.hasslerministries.com, some written by preachers and laymen who have traveled to foreign countries with Leroy (Click on Reference tab).

Johnnie R. Jones (www.HisAboundingGrace.org), the editor of this project: As I poured over the pages of GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival, numerous times I had to stop my editing and just soak in the enormity of the evangelistic work through the Hassler Evangelistic Ministries. If only dozens of preachers and laymen would read this story and develop a burden for the lost that would lead them to join in future crusades, what an impact for global missions and revival it would create! This story must be read by the future generations of preachers and evangelists! May God impress on each readers heart to send out hundreds of this book to their friends!

  • Dr. James T. Draper, President Emeritus, Lifeway Christian Resources: The story that unfolds in these pages is one that will astonish you and challenge you. The story is told from the heart of this man of God who has fearlessly and effectively proclaimed the Gospel on every inhabited continent in our world. His goal of reaching two million souls with the Gospel will doubtlessly be fulfilled within the next few years. This record of his ministry is shared with deepest humility. I have never known a man with more genuine humility than Leroy. What you see is what you get. He is open, transparent, and candid about what God is doing in his life and ministry."As you read through these amazing stories, remember that God alone deserves the credit for the thousands of lives He has touched through Leroy's ministry. When he began traveling overseas in 1988 to take the Gospel to those who had not heard, no one could have guessed the magnitude of the number of souls that would be saved; no one except for Leroy himself, because he believed then and still believes today that God would have him win two million souls."
  • Paul Coleman, Develop Pastor, Mobberly Baptist Church, Longview, Texas: From small African village church plants to inhumane prisons in third-world countries; from standing before thousands of students in India to a terrorist camp in the African bush, live through the dangers, trials, faith, and joy of preaching and evangelizing nearly 1.5 million people for Jesus Christ on all major continents of the worlds, as you read:  GO! Obeying God in World Evangelism and Revival, by Leroy Hassler; 2010, S-Y-D Pub., McKinney, Texas USA.   $17.00 + $3.00 Shipping & Handling.
  • Dr. Laney Johnson, Pastor Emeritus at Mobberly Baptist in Longview, Texas: "When I started reading Leroy's book, I could hardly put it down until I finished it."
  • Pastor Sonny from Malawi, Africa: "Once I started reading the book I did not even want to take time to eat unti I finished it." 
  • Mike S. from New York City, New York: "There is something for every one in this book as it covers far more than ministry." 



    Foreword by Dr. Jimmy Draper
    Foreword by Paul Coleman
    1 ~ A Prison in Hell!
    2 ~ Preaching the Gospel in a Terrorist Camp.........................21
    3 ~ Snakes in Africa!............................................................25
    4 ~ From Disaster to a World-wide Ministry............................31
    5 ~ A Turning Point in My Life................................................39
    6 ~ A Church Fight that Ended With a Conversion....................51
    7 ~ Mexico  1988 and 2001...................................................65
    8 ~ Breakthrough in Brazil…..................................................73
    9 ~ Moscow, Russia  1993....................................................79
    10 ~ India  1994..................................................................87
    11 ~ India  Part Two............................................................95
    12 ~ Cali, Colombia, 1993  A Very Dangerous Trip................105
    13 ~ Sydney, Australia........................................................111
    14 ~ Ever Heard of Coal Tar, Africa?....................................115
    15 ~ Cobra-Causing Conversions.........................................121
    16 ~ Saltpond, Ghana.........................................................127
    17 ~ Zambia  2001.............................................................135
    18 ~ Kenya  2001...............................................................141
    19 ~ Mwanza, Tanzania  2001.............................................149
    20 ~ Success and Failure in West Africa...............................157
    21 ~ Cuba  1993…..............................................................163
    22 ~ Malawi  2002..............................................................171
    23 ~ Attempted Robbery, Sickness, and Other Unique Events in Africa................................................................................179
           Testimonies from Zambia.............................................185
    24 ~ Beachhead in Zambia  2003 - 2009...............................187
           Testimonies From Malawi.............................................200
    25 ~ Malawi – Beachhead #2 2006 - 2009.........................201
    26 ~ The Final Chapter of Life..............................................209


by Leroy Hassler

The Kind of Preacher God Can Use in God-sent Revival is a book written by Leroy Hassler dealing with the great need for Revival in today's church. This book will be a blessing to a pastor and to a layperson alike. A copy of "The Kind of Preacher God Can Use in God-sent Revival" is available for a donation of $5.00 plus $1.50 shipping and handling per copy (when 5 books or more are requested shipping is free). To get your copy of this wonderful book mail your request with your donation to: Hassler Evangelistic Ministries International PO Box 1791  Gladewater, TX 75647.   


What Others are Saying About this Book: 

"This book really blessed my life."
- Dr Sam Cathey, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

"I do not have words to tell you what your book meant to me.  Every child of God should read it.  It has drawn me closer to God, and made me want to and determined to know God better."
- B., North Carolina

"When I got the book and started reading it, I could hardly put it down.  Your book has greatly stirred my heart afresh."
- Marion H. Price, Jr., Hogansville, Georgia

"God used Leroy Hassler to speak to the great need of America, REVIVAL.  This book is a must reading for every pastor and layman who wants to see revival sweep through their church.  I                                                                  recommend it for everyone."
                                                                      - Dr David Baxley, Bloomburg, Texas